Anyway, everyone is aware of the drought, fires, heat and COVID that have made 2020 one of the most unpleasant summers most of us in Colorado can remember.

Even in the Grand Valley, we weren’t immune. My friends on Rapid Creek had a rental house, shop and several vehicles burn when a brush fire roared up the slope from I-70.
And on our road, a transformer fell over in a wind storm and started the fire pictured above. Judy and I were out of town when this occurred, and my neighbor took this photo, which shows flames perhaps 100 yards from my barn full of hay. Thankfully, the Palisade and Clifton fire departments showed up quickly and prevented any damage to two nearby houses, including the one in the background of this picture, or to my barn.
Thank you so much to all the firefighters — the ones who help control the blaze on our road and the many who have been working for more than a month on the Pine Gulch and Grizzly Creek fires. It’s impossible to fully express our gratitude.
COVID, unfortunately, has prevented me from doing any live book events, but I have done several online events related to my Cadotte book, and they have gone well. I have several more scheduled and will post about them when they get close.
And, to prove I haven’t been totally wrapped up in fire and COVID concerns, here are some links to my recent history columns.