“One does not incarcerate aristocrats. It is enough to remind them of their word of honour.”
German author Ulrich Raulff explaining why “No farmer would consider surrounding his horses’ meadow with the barbed wire which was often used to enclose sheep and cattle.” A bit of wood or electric fence is sufficient to keep horses at home, he said.

Raulff spent part of his youth growing up on his grandfather’s farm, where horses were still employed for much of the field work, and his appreciation of equines is evident from the beginning of his new book.
He has written an engrossing account of the final years of the horse as mankind’s primary source of power for transportation, war and industry, and our most important animal companion for more than 6,000 years.
I have just begun reading it. Raulff has done tremendous research on the history of the horse, particularly in the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. His narrative moves quickly and is easy to read, despite the many statistics included.
The book is to be released in the United States next month. Thanks to Ann and Richie at The Daily Sentinel for getting me an advance copy.