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Back in the saddle, again

It’s been nine months since I rode my horse, due to foot surgery and complications related to the surgery. But Sunday was my 65th birthday, and it seemed like an opportune time to get back to work with Moose.


So, with the help of my good friend, Cricket Donoho, Moose was lunged and I was able to mount up. It went great, except for one brief stumble by Moose when I thought I might go off.

However, my foot is not entirely healed yet, and it’s important that pressure be distributed across my whole foot, and not just right under the arch, where the surgery was done. So I drew a rough design of a protective stirrup, and my friend and farrier, Brian Crandall, constructed it. There are still a few tweaks we need to do, but basically, it worked just fine. There are no vertical bars on the inside of the stirrup, so I can get my foot out quickly if I need to. But it stays in the stirrup well for basic riding.

stirrup 1


bob silbernagel

bob silbernagel

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