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New Year — New Events

With 2019 now a reality (How did that happen so quickly?) I’m completing some projects and resuming work on others.

At the end of the year, I turned in my manuscript, photos and drawings for my book “The Cadottes of Lake Superior: One Family’s Journey Through the Fur-Trade Era.” It is to be published by the Wisconsin Historical Society Press, probably some time in 2020. Now, the process begins of working with editors at the Press to clean up and make improvements to the manuscript and get it ready for publication.

In the meantime, I have a number of presentations related to my most recently published book “Historical Adventures on the Colorado Plateau,” which was published by the History Press in June 2018.

— February 11, I’ll be at Out West Books on Main Street in Grand Junction, discussing “Historical Adventures” and signing copies of it. It begins at 6 p.m.

— February 17, I’ll be making a presentation to the Hotchkiss Historical Society based on my book. The annual meeting begins in Hotchkiss at 2 p.m.

— February 21, at the Museum of Western Colorado for the Mesa County Historical Society’s monthly presentation, beginning at noon.

As I prepare for those, I’d better get back to writing my regular history columns for The Daily Sentinel. And posting them in a timely manner.


bob silbernagel

bob silbernagel

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